Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mount Calvary Christian School 2010 Christmas Cantata

This was probably the best school Cantata that I have ever heard. The music was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking! The ladies that put this together and the students that performed did such an amazing job. Please visit the gallery on our website for some of the pictures. As I edit through I will ad more and more. The lighting was really tough and we are really working hard at the church/school to improve upon that. I shot most of the pictures at a very high ISO setting of 1600, and a low shutter speed setting that allowed for some blurring and grain in the images. I am looking at changing out my Sigma 18-50 2.8 HSM DX lens for a Nikon. As I stated in my bio here on the blog, I am really a Nikon purist...but my budget constrains me..:)

Gallery can be viewed by click the word: "HERE"

Here are a few..

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