Monday, April 16, 2012

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

A few more Washington D.C. pictures

Smithsonian Air and Space... look closely, can you see our daughter????

and a few from the changing of the guards at Arlington..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A really weird thing happened while at Arlington....

First, a few things....the picture below of the funeral procession wasn't really supposed to happen. I know, that sounds really weird. but here's the deal....there was a U.S. park police helicopter flying really low overhead, and as we were turning around to see it, we noticed this procession coming our direction. The car the helicopter was following came speeding by and almost hit the horse and carriage. It was actually within feet of us, dangerously close! As I snapped these photos, a park worker told me, " No photos please.". I was unaware until after I had already taken these photos, that pictures of this nature at Arlington by 'guests' are forbidden to secure that privacy of the family and the seclusion of the event. I am sorry.